Herbarium Part Four

My Herbarium is an ongoing project that I plan on working on for years and years. These next five specimens were flowers I collected during spring. 

Birch Hybrid Bellflower:

California Poppy:

French Lavender: 

 Morning Glory:

Field Poppy:

When I find a beautiful flower to collect for my herbarium, I never know for sure how it will turn out once pressed. Sometimes, a specimen that was once full of beautiful colors turns brown or even a dull black. Even worse, sometimes a specimen will mold. But the unpredictability is part of the fun. It's a chance putting a beautiful flower between the pages of a book. After a month or longer, when I come back to the book, I am filled with nervous anticipation to see what the pressed specimen looks like. More often then not, the plant specimen takes on a new and wondrous beauty.

Check out the rest of my herbarium:
Herbarium Part One
Herbarium Part Two
Herbarium Part Three

Cat Walking: Mue Mue and Wendel Venture the Great Outdoors While Safely Attached to a Leash and Harness


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