Oscar's One Year Adoptiversary Celebration

One year ago from July 29th, my partner and I made one of the best decisions ever: To adopt our sweet, lovable pooch Oscar! When we first encountered him, it was on a petfinder profile. We were drawn to his cuteness: His big soulful brown eyes, his floppy ears, his scruffy fur: everything about him is just cute, cute, cute!

We read his profile and his personality sounded like it would be a good fit for our family too. But of course, a cute picture and a profile only tells you so much about a dog. We made an appointment to meet him in Monroe Washington at a local pet store (he was being fostered by a local lady and the pet store is kind enough to use the space they have in the back for meet and greets for adoptable dogs). We met him and had heart eyes right away! He was obviously cute, playful, goofy, kind-hearted and an overall wonderful dog! He seemed to like us too! We brought him home that day and he joined our family.

Every day since then, he has added joy to my life. He makes me laugh with his goofy reactions to ordinary things. He comforts me with his delight in sharing cuddle time. His boisterous glee at things that seem simple (such as car rides) makes me appreciate the small things in life. I love going on adventures with him and exploring the world together.

Dogs really are some of the most amazing creatures and we are really lucky to have them in our lives. I am so grateful I adopted my Oscar and I think everyone should do themselves the best favor ever and help a dog in need by adopting a pooch from a rescue or shelter. Your new dog friend will surely add joy to your life too!

For Oscar's actual adoptiversary, my partner and I were both working long shifts, so we celebrated on another day that we both had off together. We had quite the adventure.

The best part was our beautiful hike at Cougar Mountain:

Oscar really loves car rides, so to him, even getting in the car is the most exciting thing ever! He likes to look out the window.

Later in the day, we took him out to a dog friendly restaurant.

They usually have dog ice cream but much to our disappointment, they were out! They brought him some ice and I sprinkled some crumbled up treats to try to snazz it up. He still had fun despite not getting real ice cream.

On TV, they were playing something called 'The Incredible Dog Challenge.'  Oscar, being an incredible dog himself, could relate to the contestants.

Even though our vet told us that Oscar needs to be on a diet (He's not fat! Just a wee bit chunky and he needs to drop a few pounds), we let him cheat on his diet on his special day. He got a bully stick! He loves chewing on these things!

Overall, I think Oscar had a fantastic day and we had a fantastic day celebrating with him.

Us humans really are lucky to live in a world with dogs! Animals in general are so amazing, but dogs have actually deemed us humans as worthy of their friendship which truly is magical and wonderful. I'm glad Oscar deemed me worthy of his friendship and that I get such an awesome dog to be part of my life!

Happy One Year Adoptiversary Oscar!!!


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