Sharp Shooters, Visit to Bremerton: Pt 2: Views of the Ferry

Ferries aren't just interesting due to the things you see while looking off the sides of them, ferries themselves are visually striking and interesting structures. While adventuring for a meeting of Sharp Shooters (the photo club I'm in), I took lots of pictures of the ferry we rode to Bremerton.

While taking pictures of the boat, my friend and I were stopped by an authoritative ferry employee...well, he was stopped and I tried to dash in and explain our photos of the ferry were all innocent! That we were just two humble photographers taking pictures for our club's outing. She was questioning, with great suspicion, why he was taking photos of the boat. I think she thought we were up to something nefarious! My theory is that when you work somewhere for a while, you stop seeing beauty in the place, so to her, it made no sense to take pictures of the actual ferry unless it was for some shady purpose. But to us, all the nooks and crannies, the colors and corners, the chipped paint and rust were beautiful and told a story about the ferries. They are sturdy little boats whose existence just consists of going back and forth, and back and forth. But they are dependable and they help us with the flow of our lives.

When I first moved to Seattle, someone I knew said that when she was growing up, her sister and her would take the ferry often and they would often see whales while on the ferry ship. I've never seen a whale while on the ferry ship! That sounds so amazing! I wonder what would have changed to make that no longer a common experience. Even though I haven't seen any whales, I've seen jellyfish and seals and lots of beautiful sea birds. Any encounter with an animal is a wonderful experience! I saw the jellyfish a lot from the ferry when I first moved here and it was very inspiring! They are so strange and otherworldly. They are like little ghosts are aliens.

I think all jellyfish are interesting, but there is one jellyfish is more interesting then the rest: The Benjamin Button Jellyfish or more scientifically known as Turritopsis Dohrinii. Unlike most jellyfish (and living creatures in general) that reach adulthood and can't go backwards, the Benjamin Button jellyfish have the ability to regress their aging and go back to early stages of life! The Benjamin Button jellyfish will regress to early stages of development in response to harsh conditions such a sudden temperature drop or starvation. This ability essentially makes them immortal. Animals seriously do have magic powers! And to think, some humans still believe WE are the special ones above all the animals. 

Bernice's Heart is Rejuvenated in an Ancient, Secret Lab.


Cat Walking: Mue Mue and Wendel Venture the Great Outdoors While Safely Attached to a Leash and Harness