Bugs Don't Always Bug Me

Some bugs are really just the cutest. If bugs were the size of a shih tzu, people would take them for walks and name them Spots or Stripey.

This little guy's shells is so pretty. It looks like someone took acrylic paint and dabbed little dots on him. I've never seen a guy like this before. 

I looked in both my bug identification guides and looked on the internet but can not figure out what this little bug is. I even did Google image search for a close up image of this little guy and you wouldn't believe what came up...dinosaurs and religious icons amongst other non-bug imagery. For now, this speckled beetle is a mystery bug.

I put out sunflower seeds for the neighborhood crows in attempt to bribe them for friendship. Instead, I won the friendship of a sunflower loving beetle! In retrospect, this really is not the safest spot for this beetle. A crow eager for sunflower seeds may have found an extra delicious morsel. That is, if beetles taste good to crows, I am really not sure. Hopefully this fellow got out of his sunflower seed luxury swimming pool before the crows came looking for food morsels.

This little guy is a ten-lined June bug. June bugs have one of the cutest of insect names, tied maybe with ladybug, bumble bee and rolly-polly. Even though they have a cute name, they don't always act in a cute manner. Apparently, they sometimes hiss when they are in a grumpy mood!

 Beetles are interesting little creatures. Although I'd never want to turn into one, like Gregor in The Metamorphosis

Chinese Garden Part Two: The Glorious Blooms


Lauren's Heart