The Bear Helps with the Laces

Afternoons like this
small and sunny
call for the help of a bear.

The last time the bear tried to help in a task requiring fine motor skills, he dropped all the wine glasses on Count Von Ferdinand. The count was covered in purple-red wine stains and glimmering pieces of shattered glass. The ill-tempered count never forgave nor forgot the utter humiliation that a fresh mess causes a member of the aristocracy.

But those with calmer demeanor's can look past the imperfections that clumsy paws instead of nimble hands can create. What the bear lacks in precision he makes up with a big heart. That extra help with loose laces is what could have prevented that tumble right over the cliff, right into the traffic, right past that destiny you were meant to have. 

Pumpkin Patch Part One: The Animals


Chinese Garden Part Two: The Glorious Blooms