Oscar The Dock Dog For a Day

There is a long and narrow dock in Des Moines Washington. I wanted to visit it because I heard there was a chance to spot a seal or an otter! The closest I got to seeing an otter was this scruffy face:

Just scruffy Oscar with his semi-otter looking face, but no actual sea mammals unfortunately. But despite the lack of animals, it was a really beautiful spot! Oscar certainly liked his day at the docks. 

The marina was right next to the fishermens dock. Most people weren't on their boats the day we visited, but someone was taking advantage of their boat.

As far as I know, Oscar has never been on a boat (but he has lived longer without me then with me at this point, so there is a lot I don't know about Oscar's life), but he eyed the vessel with interest. He'd make a good boat dog. He could handle the wind in his scruff. He could bark if a sea monster popped up from the murky depths. He'd look darn good in a sailor hat. Although, he is wimp when it comes to even the lightest spattering of rain, so the choppy waters and sea mist may be too much for him. 

There was a little park next to the dock. There were several people roaming around the beach, looking at the ground. Probably they were looking for shells or cool rocks or bits of treasures. Oscar saw them too and the dogs that were also roaming the park. The other dogs frolicked along the shore with wet paws and sand sprinkled snouts. Oscar watched wistfully. Dogs are always so curious about each other, but most of them still prefer the company of humans to anyone else.

When I first got Oscar, I took him on a walk on an overpass over a busy road near my house. He got so sweetly scared. He walked with a nervous patter in his heart. He scrunched down low to the ground and practically slithered across the walkway. I was wondering if he would have a similar attack of the nerves walking across the dock, with the choppy waters rustling on both sides of the fairly narrow dock. But he handled the dock walk like a champ. Water isn't as scary as zooming cars.

At the end of the dock, fishermen line up and cast their lines into the water in hopes of capturing a wriggling fish. Oscar opens his mouth wide. He is ready for the fishermen to catch a fish too, then to toss it into his waiting mouth. 

This was Oscar's face once he realized with chagrined annoyance that no fish were going to be tossed his way.

Oscar wants to change this sign to say 'Please, do throw fish into the trap of my mouth.'

Oscar is definitely always full of smiles when adventure is involved. It is one of the many great things about the dog species...unbridled enthusiasm for just existing in this world! Complete and utter joy over the smallest of adventures. They've really figured out the best way to live life. Dogs may be goofy, but they are also wise. 

At the very end of the trip, Oscar must have caught site of a sea monster or something. Look at those eyes. They are definitely intent on something in the water. But I was too busy taking pictures of his cute face and I missed whatever it was!


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