She Hops Through Snail Slime

She shimmies through shinning days
She slows for sun rays
She hops through snail slime
She lingers to catch lost time

The snail was a very geometrically minded creature. While his snail buds always did meandering snail trails that really meant nothing at all, he tried to find meaning in shapes and tried to recreate the meaning by recreating the shapes. He slowly crawled along cement creating shining triangles or squares. When climbing up the sides of houses, he delighted in creating right angles. When on an especially broad leaf, he twirled in a tight but perfect circle.

One day, the snail found the markings of a strange creature: the human child. It was a hopscotch created in chalk. He delighted in the shape. The rows of beautiful squares! He etched the image in his mind then etched the image on the sidewalk using his own snail slime. 

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