Notable Animals: Mario the Goose

Mario always felt different than most geese. He just didn't really connect with the other geese. They were so....goose like. Who he really thought was fascinating were humans! With their long arms instead of wings, their weird, featherless flesh draped in cloth, and the strange noises they made instead of goose squawks. They were just so interesting and cool!

So, instead of befriending the other geese at the lake he lived at, Mario sought out the company of more interesting companions: humans! Sometimes there would be people without  a home of their own, using his lake side land as their home. They would curl up on park benches or under the shade of a tree and sleep. He didn't mind sharing his home with humans, not at all! But sleeping humans were just not as fun as awake humans. So he would usually remedy this little inconvenience by pecking at the sleeping humans.

There were many people who came to the lake to jog or walk. He liked these people! They often looked lonely, their legs flailing, their arms flopping, as they trekked around the lake. He always knew just how to help these people. He would accompany them on their walk. The best remedy to loneliness is a new friend, and Mario was completely content to be this new friend.

One day, Mario met a human like no other human, the best human in the world: Dominic Ehrler! Mario's friend Dominic was just so amazing! He was an older gentlemen who had been visiting Mario's lake for some time. For many years, Dominic would spend his morning getting breakfast at his favorite breakfast spot. Probably, he'd look at the window as people passed him by and talk to the waiters and waitresses serving him his food. He'd probably read through the newspaper and do a crossword before heading down to the lake to take a morning walk. It was a morning routine he had for fifteen years before Mario interrupted the status quo with his loud, sweet and boisterous personality. It started with Mario just slowly stalking behind Dominic, but Dominic noticed his presence and invited the goose to join him on his walk.

It became the new routine for Dominic. Eat breakfast, then go meet his best bud at the park for a walk. When Dominic arrived at the park, Mario would hustle toward him with his goosy tale wagging. Mario took his responsibility as Dominic's friend very seriously. He made sure none of the other geese got any idea's to steal his bestie away. Mario would boldly honk at any goose that edged too near. But it wasn't just geese that Mario protected Dominic from. Dominic also need not fear dogs or overly curious park guests.

Mario hadn't always been Mario. Once he was Maria. The people of his park thought that the gray goose with gumption was a lady goose. So he spent a long time with the moniker Maria before his true sex was discovered and he began to go by Mario. The name and gender switch weren't the only big change's in Mario's life. His first big change can only be suspected. A goose like Mario, not interested in associating with other geese and overly interested in assimilating with humans was unlikely born into wild goosehood. He most likely was a domesticated goose belonging to a family before someone decided they were done with him and abandoned him at the city lake to fend for himself. But Mario adapted. He found his place in that city lake world. He had notoriety. He was a cause for celebration. And even better, he made a life long friend.

But another disruption to the peace of Mario's life came when his lake was closed down for renovation. All of the water fowl must be hustled away from the now waterless and desolate spot. Mario and the other geese were whisked off to spend their day at the zoo.

As Mario was lifted up by strange hands, or lured with treats into a crate, he must of been thinking many things. He must have been wondering what was going on, and would he see his home again, and then it probably hit him. What about Dominic? How would he find him.

Mario was happy with his routine. He waited patiently for Dominic to arrive at the lake. Dominic was his person after all. Then, they walked together, he waddled, Dominic strode. When Dominic left on his scooter, Mario would fly by his side, making sure his departure was safe. Who would make sure Dominic was safe now?

But then one day, not long after arriving to the zoo, Dominic came to visit him! His friend had found him, because they were meant to be! Dominic knew the value of a true friend, and he wasn't about to let something as small as a relocation interrupt a friendship they valued so dearly. Mario and Dominic were kindred spirits, each so different, but each felt so understood by each other.

An Autumnretum at the Arboretum, Part Two: Pathways


A Multitude of Expressions