Eagle's Landing

Eagle's Landing may one have been a beacon of sunshine and lazy, joyous days, but now it's a bit of an eerie location. Or at least it was the one time I went.

The woods were beautiful like all woods are, but they were also a bit bedraggled and droopy. Branches crisscrossed chaotically across each other. Some of the forest debris smelt of mulch tinged urine. Smeared graffiti marked some of the noble tree trunks with sad signs of human debauchery. Toward the top of the trail was a little hang out nook for forest goers to use for picnics. The area was occupied with a group of sad-eyed teenage boys with forced looks of defiance on their face or real looks of angsty boredom. They huddled together, looking shiftily at passing walkers. Their raucous voices rose in the air and bounced sluggishly around the woods. They laughed but there was no true mirth in the sound.

Eagle's landing has stairs that go from the woods to the shore, but these stairs have been closed for a long time. I think it's these broken stairs that has transformed Eagle's Landing into a bit of a sad location. People could once walk through the woods with a goal of going to the shore in mind. But now, it's just a walk to a chain link fence and a warning sigh.

Still, there was beauty to be seen just as there always is. Little birds flitted from branch to branch, cocking their heads in curiosity at the sound off footsteps crunching on leaves. The fresh bright greenery of the woods looked otherworldly, like it was glowing from a childhood dream. Squirrels dashed up sun soaked tree trunks. It was a beautiful place to be, but also felt like a lonely place to be.

Now that Eagle's Landing no longer has it's access stairs to the water, and it is slowly being abandoned by the humans, the eagles can take over again. Eagle's have been nesting in the woods since the eighties. I wonder what they thought once they saw they had to share their precious nesting grounds with curious, human onlookers. Maybe they were the ones that some how sabotaged the stairs! Using their sturdy beaks to pull out bolts and screws. Soon they will be free to reign supreme again in the little wooded area. They will take over everything until each branch has an eagle perched upon it and the sky is blotted out by flapping eagle wings. 

The Recreation of Animals, Part Four.


Notable Animals: Bob the Railroad Dog