Garden Rewind: The Abundance! (Last Summer)

The most exciting time of the garden is when it is producing an abundance of greenery, fruit and vegetables! We watched our naive little seeds start as tiny sprouts and flourish into nutrient giving food! It's pretty amazing what a seed can do.

We grew lots of different foods. I love fruit and definitely wanted to grow some fruit! Raspberries are delicious and our little raspberry plant did a good job producing, especially since it was the first year we had it!

The strawberries were not too abundant, but as they grew it was fun to pick them fresh off the plant and enjoy the sweetness of a freshly grown strawberry!

Our house came with the blackberry bush which is not too uncommon here in the Pacific Northwest. Some people find them to be nuisances, but I love our little blackberry bush! Blackberries are so delicious. I did work to keep this bush to a minimum. I battled the blackberry bushes urge to explode with growth by putting on the gloves and trimming off the thick, spiky vines. 

One of the most rewarding vegetables to grow are tomatoes. More than any other vegetable, fresh grown tomatoes are noticeably more delicious than your average store bought variety.

Carrots are interesting little surprises. When plucking them from their soil home, it is hard to know for sure what they will emerge looking like. Will they be small and wilted or plump and sturdy or slightly deformed? Carrots are full of possibility!

The peas and snap peas were quite the hit! They are so sweet and delicious. They are another one that are great for plucking right off the bush and enjoying. 

The radishes were one of the very first things that started producing. They were delicious!

Our pepper plant we got as a starter instead of seeds. Sometimes that's the way to go! 

 Overall, it was a delight to see our little garden grow and flourish from a bed of dirt to a haven of greenery!

Food is all the more delicious when it comes from your own yard and hard work!

Seeing the abundance from last year's garden makes me excited for this years garden!

The Recreation of Animals Part Ten.


The Recreation of Animals Part Nine.