Garden Rewind: The Beginning (Last Spring)

Spring! The time of the year we all revel in the earth's ability to rejuvenate! After what seems like years of bleak, dreary days, lackluster of life and growth, spring arrives, proving to us that it was worth the wait, and that sometimes to truly appreciate something you need to experience the opposite. 

Last Spring is when we started our humble little garden. The beginning of the growth is an exciting time, even if there is no produce yet to enjoy. This garden was started with some seeds and some starters. It is definitely the most exciting to see seeds sprouting, their little green leaves nudging away the dirt to shoot up toward the sun. 

We grew some spinach in a pot. Here it is in it's beginning days.

I don't even remember what these were! I think arugula.

The herbs we got as starters. Herbs provide instant satisfaction because it is quite satisfying when cooking dinner to just saunter on outside and pick some herbs to include in flavoring for the dinner.

In order to not let the blackberry bush get too out of control, we used a fence to help train the bush. In the Pacific Northwest, blackberry bushes can really get out of control. But it is so wonderful to be able to go outside and pick your own blackberries! So I am all about them!

We started out with just one bed, but by the end of Spring, we had a total of three! They are all prepared for us for this upcoming spring.

Reviewing the garden from last year makes me eager to begin gardening this year. Gardening season is almost upon us and soon it will be time to push the seeds into the soil and slowly nurture them into growth. One of the joys of gardening is being close to nature and the earth, to remind all us humans where we began and who we are still accountable too.

The Recreation of Animals Part Eight.


The Recreation of Animals, Part Seven.