Garden Rewind: The Flowers!

One of the things I ended up loving best about having a garden were the flowers! I wasn't expecting to get so much joy out of the flowers because I am more naturally drawn to the edibles of the garden. I love the idea of being more self sufficient, and gardening your own food is being more self sufficient in such a tangible way.

Flowers on the other hand are beautiful, but seem frivolous in comparison to staple food products. But once the flowers were growing, I was in full appreciation of them! I picked them for bouquets or picked them to press or just let them live their whole life in the garden looking pretty.

Now that it has been many weeks of winter, I'm longing for the flowers again. They'll be here soon, but until then, I can appreciate them in picture.

I love California poppies because despite being a Washingtonian for over ten years, I'll always be a Californian (or at least partial Californian) at heart. These golden beauties are our state flowers and I was taught to have great reverence for them. It is a lesson that stuck as I really do admire and adore them!

These flowers are such a strange shape. They are almost a little creepy looking. Like they are alien flowers. But I  like them!

Despite the little bugs, all the roses in our yard did well. All garden season I meant to buy a bag of ladybugs, but whenever I thought about it while at a garden store, they never had any. But every since I was little, I've wanted to buy one of those ladybug bags and set them free. Next garden season I'm going to make that childhood dream come true!

Hummingbirds delight! Or at least that's what I would name this flower if I were int he position to be an official flower namer.

Bachelors Buttons! That's the real name that some official flower namer did give these little cuties. It's a charming name for a flower.

Sunshine Saucer! That's what I would name this little flower if we are back in the world where I'm an official flower namer. Little fairies could use Sunshine Saucers and Buttercups for their fairy tea parties.

As you'll see below, I took a lot of pictures of the big ol' poppies! They are definitely a favorite! They are just so pretty!

Early on when my partner and I moved to our little tan house, we threw seeds on the side of the house. It was from a 'wildflower mix' packet. We didn't know if it was going to take or not because we sowed them toward the end of the season. The next year when that area started growing various plants, we were not sure if they were flowers from our packet or weeds. It was really fun though! The anticipation and excitement of watching them grow and seeing who they would become. And they became beautiful flowers!  (along with some dandelions, which I could argue are beautiful flowers too!) 

At the end of the season, the poppies and other flowers dried up. When we pulled their dry flower carcasses from the dirt, the seeds splattered all over the area, so hopefully those seeds will nestle into the soil and next year we'll have more wildflowers springing up and sharing their beauty. 

The Recreation of Animals Part Six.


San Francisco Pigeons vs. Seattle Pigeons