Book Review: 'Ice Cream Man' by W. Maxwell Prince, Martin Marazzo and Chirs O'Halloran

I am always looking for new comic books and graphic novels to read and recently I read a new one called 'Ice Cream Man' by W. Maxwell Prince, Martin Marazzo and Chris O'Halloran.

This book reminded me of being a kid growing up in the nineties and occasionally staying up late and catching an episode of 'Tales from the Crypt' with that creepy corpse guy and the collection of scary and disturbing stories. The book 'Ice Cream Man' was full of several stories starring different characters but each story was creepy and had the connection that the titular Ice Cream Man played a role in the disturbing things that happened to the characters in the story. Each story is weird and unsettling but also touches upon true human struggles such as a child dealing with loneliness or a man dealing with fatherhood or people dealing with addiction. I would recommend this book to those who like scary stories and horror anthologies. There were definitely some spine-tingling, I've-got-the-willies moments while reading these stories!


The Recreation of Animals Part Thirteen.


The Recreation of Animals Part Twelve.