Garden Rewind: Dwindling yet Flourishing (Autumn Garden)

During the Fall, the garden started to dwindle down in production, but it still flourished with abundance of greenery.

The Marigolds were in full bloom and were a nice orange addition to the orangest time of the year!

The herbs thrived despite the reduction of sunshine and the increase of cold weather. Fall is a good time for herbs such as using them for hearty soups, so it is a good thing that a little cold weather doesn't discourage the herbs too much from growing. The pineapple sage did especially well!

The pineapple sage produces especially beautiful flowers!

Some of our veggies also continued to prosper in the fall. The peas kept growing, although with less enthusiasm.

The snails and slugs and other bugs were also happy that our garden continued to produce greenery. In the deep dark of the night, they sneaked away from their hidden homes to chew little holes into some of our plants. But, I can't blame them. They've got their own needs to meet.

I wasn't expecting the garden to still have so much life to it once fall hit! 

The Recreation of Animals Part Twelve.


The Recreation of Animals Part Eleven.