Spring Gardens

I use to live next to a small community garden. I could look out my window and see the garden. It was especially beautiful in the spring. 

I liked walking around the garden and admiring the local gardeners creative work with plants. Sometimes I would walk through when a gardener was there, covered in dirt and smiles, working hard in their garden.

But what's even better than living next to a community garden is to have your own little garden. The spring garden started blooming it's bulbs and now I have daffodils and other bulb flowers to admire. More and more flowers will bloom as time goes on and each one will be a little delight!

The garden also had crocus's this spring, but by the time I took pictures, they had already came and went. Crocus's are one of my top favorite flowers because after an eternity of bleary, dreary winter, the crocus's are always the first to bloom. Even though it is still fairly gloomy when they bloom, they are such a good reminder that soon the winter drabness with be transformed into spring beauty. They are hopeful little flowers. 

The Recreation of Animals Part Sixteen


The Recreation of Animals Part Fifteen.