Walking in San Francisco Part Seven: A Different Walk

There is more than one walk in San Francisco! During another meandering stroll through the streets of San Francisco, I ran into all sorts of interesting sites.

I spotted this golden plaque depicting a scene form the Gold Rush. The Gold Rush was significant for San Francisco. The population increased vastly due to the Gold Rush. In an about two year span of time, the population went from 1000 residents to 25,000. 

Fancy buildings.

That thin lady statue is called the Dewey Monument. It was created to commemorate an admiral named George Dewey. I wonder if he is related to the more famous Melvil Dewey, creator of the Dewey Decimal system. War and books are very opposing pursuits, so it would be interesting if they were related.

Two of these palm trees have pony tails! If humans can have a sense of style, why can't trees?

A city under construction, just like Seattle.

Old timey hats! This place probably had so many customers back in 1895 when it was established. But likely their clientele has dwindled. Hats wearing just isn't what it use to be.

More fancy buildings!

This place looks like it is a huge antique shop full of different floors to explore and old and beautiful objects to admire. I like the look of cluttered windows.

I like that the guy on his cigarette break is really curious about what the construction workers are up to.

Another fancy building, this time with fancy pillars.

San Francisco is definitely a fun place to explore and I hope to go back int he future and explore it's dreary, beautiful, mysterious, cheerful and exciting streets again!

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