Walking in San Francisco Part Six: Transportation

San Francisco is full of wondrous delights. Even the ordinary becomes extraordinary... ordinary things such as transportation! 

This awesome dude doesn't confine his transportation to the ordinary means such as cars or buses. He got himself a sweet pair of skates to zoom around the city. A bold move for a man living in a place known for it's hills. 

Another dude with a creative way to zip about the city. For whatever reason, segways never quite caught on and often are still derided. I think they are cool! Usually in Seattle, I only see tourists using them, but this guy looks like a local to me. He's just doing his thing on his segway. 

San Francisco is known for their adorable trolleys! Trolleys are just oozing with romantic possibilities. It is a perfect spot for a 'meet-cute.' A frazzled business man jumps on the trolley. It is a form of transportation he would normally never take, but he is late for his meeting and it is the only means to get there on time. A whimsical manic pixie dream girl is staring dreamily out the window....their eyes meet....and romance ensues. But not before lot's of mad cap adventures and misunderstandings! It's next years summer hit..."Love on the San Francisco Trolley."

A constructions worker has got get around the city too.

If this is a public bus, it is way cooler than any of the Seattle public buses. Or maybe I got sucked into a time warp back to the sixties. Next summers Sci Fi hit....she was an ordinary tourists photographing the streets of San Francisco when she noticed something strange. Everything looked different, antiquated, like it was the sixties! She was sucked back in time to the summer of love. A sixties bus stopped next to her. She had one choice, jump on the bus and have the 1960's adventure of her life, or stay put, hoping she'd be sucked back forward to her time. Find out in.... 'Time Warp and the San Francisco Bus.' 


The Little Adventurer Visits the Cloud Kingdom and Meets the Raindrop Folk and Cloud Creatures


The Little Adventurer Knits Fanciful Sweaters for all the Farm Animals to Keep Them Warm and Stylish