Dottie and the Lake Man

Dottie took the bus to the lake with her pet dog Nifty. She went every Sunday with a picnic for her and Nifty to share and chopped vegetables to feed the lake ducks. This time, as she was leaving the lake she heard a splash behind her. Out of the lake came a lake man, covered with scales and lakeweed. The man pulled of the strands of lakeweed of of him, shook off as much of the lake water from his scaly body, and headed away from the lake in the same direction as Dottie. "Oh My!" thought Dottie. Usually, if someone sinister was near by, Nifty lets out quite the ruckus. But Nifty just stared at the lake man with gleaming eyed curiosity. So Dottie knew that while the man was strange he was not a threat.

Dottie sat down at the bus stop and shortly thereafter the lake man sat down next to her. He pulled a folded up newspaper from underneath one of his larger scales and began to look at the classifieds.

Dottie then had an idea. The woman who instructed her water jazzercise class had recently moved to Minnesota, leaving the class stranded without a teacher. The pool was hiring a new instructor. Dottie cleared her throat "Excuse me sir," She said meekly, "But I think I've go the perfect job opportunity for you!"

The lake man smiled back at Dottie. In ten years time they tell the story to all who wondered how Dottie and the lake man became such good friends, and also to all who wondered how the local pool ended up on national news due to allegations of radiation leaking into the pool, creating mutant humans.

How to Know the Ferns


'Paper Girls' by Brian K. Vaughn, Cliff Chiang, Matt Wilson and Jared K. Fletcher