Ghostly Garage Sale

You can't always see them, but sometimes when you are at garage sales or thrift stores, there are ghosts rummaging near you, looking for their lost belongings.

The ghosts glide from sale to sale looking for the things they miss the most. A necklace given to them by their first love. A stuffed animal gifted from a favorite aunt who accompanied them through their childhood's adventures. A book that sparked their imagination and jostled them with joy. A tea set shared with a beloved grandmother during afternoon tea parties. The ghosts see each other and ask, 'have you seen this, have you seen that?" Mostly they shake their had solemnly. But occasionally a ghost will find their item and for a second they will feel a spark so similar to life they try to hold on to it forever as all the memories come flooding forth. 

Dreamy Alki


How to Know the Ferns