Ozzie at the Beach

In the olden days, doctors would prescribe sea air to those with ailments, especially nerves or consumption. Modern days have shown that being in nature does have the power to calm a person, which could definitely help with the nerves and also could help with building a stronger immune system. Another thing we've learned in modern days is the power of animals to make a person feel at peace. Dogs supposedly also lower blood pressure. So taking your dog into nature must be a magical elixir, a wonderful curative, right?? I certainly felt rejuvenated after taking my Oscar to Des Moines Beach.

 Oscar is thoughtful about his beach adventure. He is a little deep thinker.

Oscar is curious, because that's the way animals are. They always wonder about the world around them.

Oscar sees a goofy dog passing by and wonders, friend or foe?

The water laps gently against the shore and makes everyone near by feel contemplative.

 The setting sun tints everything with gold.


The Fern Forest

