Pink Flowers

Some plants are especially magical, especially if they are covered with pink flowers. 

It was rainy on the day I encountered the pink flowers. Drops of rain clung to the petals. The gray of the day became less dreary when contrasted with green and pink.

Some petals had fallen from the flowers and speckled the brown ground with pink.

The plant was heavy with flowers and the branches drooped under their weight.

They looked like the type of flowers a girl in an old movie would pluck and tuck behind her ear before meeting her paramour on the end of a tourists wharf or in the middle of a summer street fair.

When the flower bloomed, it kept unfolding petal after petal, searching for the sun.

 The forest trees protect the flowers, looming over them, looking down on them.

The pink flowers made the landscape a dream. The pink flowers rejuvenated the earth.



Oscar, Sunshine and the Caterpillar