Zoology of Zulano


This is a drawing of the planet Zulano. Zulano is thousands of millions of billions of light years away. If you had a space ship, unlimited supplies and an eternity to exist you may be successful in traveling to Zulano. But by the time you actually arrived to Zulano, you would have forgotten why you were traveling through space in the first place. The memory of your mission would be dust in your mind, along with any memory of your life on earth, your family and friends. Nobody should be expected to remember so much over such a long amount of time. And by the time you reached Zulano, it may not even exist any more. Obliterated by asteroids or a tilt in its axis leading to a collision with its sun.

Zulano has six moons, that all affects its gravity in unique ways. Depending on the season, Zulanings experience gravity differently. Zulano land masses are not large, but small, consisting of many islands. The geographic isolation of these landmasses has contributed to a world where species of animals have evolved differently from each other in many different ways. The animal life of Zulano is interesting and varied.

Zoology of Zulano

Animals of the air/ ornithology of Zulano:

A. Unispeclesos (Speck)- The Speck is a tiny bird measuring an average of two inches tall, not including the horn. They have many predator enemies lurking and swooping and chasing them into oblivion. They evolved from a species of bird were either hornless, or by a rare genetic trait, had a tiny nub. The tiny nubbed ancestors of the speck were the most successful in surviving. They were able to use their sharp nub as protection, and soon the genetic rarity was passed on to future generations until it developed into a long, sharp horn. Despite the protective horn, the Speck has a hard time surviving predators, and is often in hiding. The human species of Zulano feel very privileged when they catch sight of a Speck. In several ancient Zulano cultures, it was a sign of good fortune to witness a speck, and even greater luck was to befall you if you witnessed the speck in flight.

B. Marsoseis Klonous (Keetle Toes)- Keetle Toes are indeed birds, and they spend much time in the air, but they do not fly. It is believed that their ancestors flew, but their wings evolved into streams of leaf like feathers. Scientists of Zulano believe that the leaves were good for two reasons. 1. The flowing beauty of the leaf wings attracted mates when spread (much like the peacocks of earth). 2. They live in hot regions, and to preserve energy, it is easier for the bird to avoid enemies by blending into to shady trees rather than fleeing. As stated earlier, they do not actually fly, but they use their clawed feet to dig into larger birds back and take flight with the larger birds as pilot. The Keetle Toes still need to participate in migration even if they cannot fly.

C. Inkletiborfee (Inkles)- Inkles evolved similarly to the kettle toes with the leaf like feathers, but inkles can indeed spread their wings and fly. They use their long beaks to reach into tiny holes in trees. A delicious variety of insect lives in tree bark and Inkles diets consist mainly of these bugs. These insects are sweet yet savory, and it is a delicacy to eat full stomachs of inkles.

D. Alberlongus Tailbur (Albers)- Albers are prey of large dinosaur-esque flying reptiles that chase the Albers through the sky. The Albers use their long tail to smack the predator. However, this attempt at self-preservation is often unsuccessful. Due the common defeat against predators and an over zealous trafficking community (Albers are often pets to wealthy children, but these children are lazy with the uptake of the Albers, and the birds often die), the Albers are endangered.

E. Kricarioan Ornothelo (Snaggle Brow)- The Snaggle Brows are a vicious species of birds and are known to carry of young children in their clawed beaks. They return to their nest with the Zulaning child, and together with her children the birds rip apart the young thing, devouring every last bit, even the bone.

F. Wateial Snanton (Snats) Despite the Snats unattractive and nasal sounding name, the birds are very beautiful and graceful. Their wings are small and they only fly two or three feet into the air and only above water. They spend most of their time underneath the water. Poets often write about seeing the beautiful bird shimmering underneath watery depths. In sailor legend, it is good luck to have these birds swim underneath the boats.

G. Movareleares (Areleys)- The Areleys have very heavy tails and feet, so they can only fly two or three feet into the air before gravity pulls them back to the ground. Each tentacle on its tail moves independently, like an octopus tentacles. The Areley use its claw feet to dig itself into the mud of riverbanks. It then fishes with its tentacles. If it gets a large catch, the bird will not be dragged into the water, because of its anchor-esque feet. Its tail emits a certain smell that many fish species of Zulano respond too. This is how they bait the fish.

H. Harler Burgstieno (Burgys)- Burgys are very tiny birds measuring only 2 inches tall. They use their unique shape beak to store food for later. They are omnivores, consuming mostly berries. Mixed with the rare chemicals in their stomach acid, the digested berries turn a beautiful color blue. It is a color blue we have never witnessed here on earth. Artists in Zulano pay large sums for ink and paint made from the berries that Burgys have digested.

Land animals of Zulano-

A. Furcofo Snarofous ( Cofo’s)- Cofo’s roamed wildly in Zulano for thousands of years before being domesticated. They are slow creatures, both of mind and body, and were often victim to predators. The predators that mostly go after Cofo’s are lone hunters. The Cofo’s are massive creatures, providing lots of meat as prey. So, when hunted, usually only one Cofo is killed. This, and their constant breeding and large litters is what has kept the Cofo’s alive despite their slowness. They are now raised by farmers for their delicious meat and their soft fur.

B. Speehareleons (Spees)- Spees are rodent creatures that scamper about the woods of Zulano. They use their large tusks to spear their prey, which usually consists of large insects (Most insects in Zulano grow 2-9 inches long). The tusks are sharp enough to pierce through the exoskeleton of the insects.

C. Moekomodees (Moes) Moes are very docile creatures measuring only one foot long on average. They are smart animals, which are easily trained. This makes them a desirable pet. However, the more mischievous of the species can be destructive to a house.

D. Parnplemarf (Marf)- Marfs are mysterious, rarely sighted creatures that live in the woodlands. They live mostly within hollow trees or in holes in the ground. Many legends are built around the Marfs. In ancient Zulanian cultures, it was a belief that if one spotted a Marf, the Marf could lead them to civilizations of fairy like creatures living secretly within the woods.

E. Arnalpoles (PoPos)- PoPos are often portrayed as silly, comical creatures. It is a common insult to call someone who is acting like a fool a “PoPo.” More recent scientific studies have proven that PoPos are actually quite intelligent. It is their playful nature and strange appearance that got them the poor reputation. Despite science, they are still regarded as silly creatures.

F. Tenarsens (Lilly Wards)- Lilly Wards are another domesticated animal. Despite their dainty appearance, they are strong creatures. In early agriculture days, they were used to pull plows. They were also used for travel before technological advances enabled quicker ways of travel. They are now used to ride for pleasure.

G. Hemplareleys Kemousous (Hemplares)- Hemplarese are known to be extremely high jumpers. When the moons are aligned in a way that the gravity is low, they are known to jump to the top of a sky scrapper. Many deaths have occurred due to a Hemplares landing on an unsuspecting victim.

H. Spikrell Larnosous (Spike Tail)- The Spike Tails are sturdy creatures that do not often move except for when they search for food. They only need to eat once daily. When predators attack them they swing their tails at the attacker for self-defense. Their tails not only have spikes upon them, but the spikes have poisonous fluid that is released from the tips when the tip digs into flesh.

I. MueMue Marnomous (MueMues) MueMues may look adorable, but they are fierce creatures. They attack for no reason, and have fueled aggression that explodes at the smallest provocation. They are a force to be reckoned with.

Marine Animals of Zulano

A. Shalese Marlese (Sharleys) Sharleys are fish that usually live 50 feet below the ocean. They are beautiful creatures, and many wealthy members of Zulano go on submarine voyages just to witness the Sharleys. In the history of Zulano, royalty often had pet Sharleys in huge tanks (Sharleys are 7-10 feet long).

B. Tantle Mowesans (Mow) The Mow is a15-foot fish covered with thick, wiry fur. In ancient times, sturdy swimsuits were made from the fur. The fur is rather water resistant, and suits from the fur protects against the extreme sea temperatures. Human varieties in Zulano can hold their breath much longer than Earth humans. It was common to wear a Mow suit while exploring underneath the water.

C. Balensoes Martoes (Balen)- Balens spend most of their time in the sea, but are mammals, and breath oxygen. Incredibly, they can stay under water without oxygen for up to 50 hours.

D. Arlensomarfous (Foes)- These creatures live thousands of feet down within the ocean. They were thought to have been extinct for hundred of years, until pirates discovered the carcass of a Foes floating on the top of the sea. This pirate group sold the Foes body to wealthy biologists for millions of Zulanian dollars. Many of these pirates had only turned to thievery because of poverty. Once wealth was received, they went back to their hometown (this band of pirates were all childhood friends) and renovated the town. With the money, they built school, libraries, museums, and hospitals. Ever since, their town has thrived.

E. Appa Salsesasoun (Appa)- Appas were worshiped in several ancient Zulaning cultures. They are now a symbol of a common holiday of Zulano. Its a religious holiday. The holiday celebrates the gods and goddesses decent from the heavens to earth, where they brought one of their superior, heavenly creatures to earth, the Appa.

F. Simsyears (Sims)- The Sims are amazing to see speeding through the water, their long tail waves behind them. The paddle in the back smacks the water, creating large waves. There are freshwater and saltwater Sims. In lakes that are dense with freshwater Sims, a sport has been invented utilizing the Sims wave creating capacity. It is similar to surfing, except floating tubes with nets are set up all around the water. Each team has different color balls that they try and get into the nets as they surf to the shore.

G. Yarnifcarlock (Yarn) The Yarn is another marine mammal breathing oxygen. They spend most of their time under water, and use the tentacles protruding from their snout to breath. The tentacles rest on the top of the see while they swim underneath it.

H. Flooshwellous (Floosh)- The Floosh is a tiny creature, measuring only half an inch long. They burrow under the skin of larger creatures, where they lay their eggs. As one may easily guess, it is very painful when Floosh eggs hatch under the skin.

I. Ingluu Tytarous- (Ings)- Ings live close to the shore underneath the sand. When somebody steps on the sand they are hiding beneath, they often explode from the sand and bite the foot of the perpetrator. The venom injected into the foot is not very poisonous, but often turns a foot green for several days.



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