Microscopic Creatures!

Here are some block prints I did of microscopic animals. It is neat that there are all these little creatures around us that we can't even see. It is like a world inside a world.

( Paramecium are a unicellular ciliate protozoa also known as lady slippers. Such a pretty nick name for a creature that feeds on bacteria and often lives in scum water. There is controversy over weather these creatures have the ability to learn. If they do indeed learn, an entrepreneur may someday reinvent the idea of a flea circus and instead have a Paramecium circus.)

( A protozoa also referred to as trumpet animalcules which is an unusual name considering the Stentor can not even be seen let alone heard. The Stentor is the largest known unicellular organism, measuring a whopping 2 millimeters at the most.)

( These little fellows are found in the intestines of frogs and toads. Maybe when witches use toads in their potions it is the Opalina that are important rather than the toad itself.)

All Together Now:

*All scientific information about these microscopic creatures was learned by reading articles on Wikipedia*

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Painted Plush