Painted Plush

Here are a few painted plushes:


Tide Pool Creatures:


Microscopic Creatures:

Today I had quite the dramatic drive to work. All day it has been pouring rain. The clouds seem to be crumbling and plummeting toward gravity. My windshield wipers couldn't work quick enough to keep the rain off the windows. The cars maneuvered the wet freeway slowly. We were all moving around 40 mph. The rotating tires of the cars kicked up gray water. I couldn't see far in front of me because all the water falling and splattering back upward. In the shell of my warm car, I was listening to 'The Devil Makes Three.' This band's music seemed to work perfectly with the dramatic drive. Their sound has an upbeat melancholy that reminds me of rain storms. There is one song called 'Beneath the Piano' where the singer mentions sleeping under a piano. It reminded me a of a sleepover party I went to as a child. It was a large party (brave parents) and the carpet seemed to be covered with kids in sleeping bags. I ended up sleeping underneath the grand piano. The underside of the piano was laced with cobwebs. When I was a kid, I had that normal fear of spiders. For some reason the cobwebs under the piano didn't bother me that night even though at any moment a spider could plunge down and land on me.

Microscopic Creatures!


The Featherstone Sisters Use Their Time Machine To Visit Prehistory