Wilfred and His Lobster Patiently Await the Arrival of the Ships

Here is a new painting of Wilfred sitting atop a lobster who is his dear friend. Years ago, Wilfred's family sailed across the sea in the hopes of finding a legendary land of eternal youth and gold. Being the only child in his family, Wilfred was left behind to continue his education. The plan was to retrieve Wilfred after discovering the legendary land. But they never returned. Wilfred is the only bird-person in his town and he often feels isolated. He misses his clever mother and cheerful father. Everyday, he looks out to the horizon, hoping his family will return. For now, at least he has the friendship of his faithful companion, his lobster.

The other day while working on a boat I saw a peculiar sign hanging over the door to the interior of the boat. It was written with sharpie on a piece of cardboard and said 'danger.' Underneath a large arrow pointed diagonally. At the tip of the arrow was a crude drawing of what appeared to be a goblins face. At first I was a bit irritated... did I need to be worried about this unspecified 'danger' the sign warned of? But, their appeared to be no real danger, so instead I made up a story of what the 'danger' sign was referring to. In my story, the sign warned of a real goblin. After all, that is what the arrow pointed to! I imagined that the boat and her owner had traveled to a far off island with little human contact. Not only were there rare birds and lizards to marvel at, but there were goblins frolicking across the sandy shores. The boat owner of course was very intrigued, because like most of us, he thought that goblins didn't truly exist. After his amazement subsided, his thoughts meandered over to the the shimmering image of dollar signs! Scientists would pay a pretty penny for a goblin specimen to experiment upon. With a spare fish net, he hid in a tree, waiting for an unsuspecting goblin. Alas, a lone goblin wandered right underneath him. The boat owner lunged from the low hanging tree branch and flung the net over the goblin. Before his goblin friends could come to his rescue or even notice his absence, the boat owner had fled back to his boat and set sail back on the sea toward home. He is now keeping the goblin captive on his boat until the highest bidder pays up. Of course, the boat owner isn't completely without scruples, so he drew a sign warning people of the goblin. After all, goblins can be dangerous!

Wyatt Never Imagined his Joy of Fishing Would Lead to Such Extraordinary Aquatic Discoveries


Pressed Flora, Part One