Wyatt Never Imagined his Joy of Fishing Would Lead to Such Extraordinary Aquatic Discoveries

Wyatt always enjoyed the simplistic nature of the sport of fishing. He loved to row out in his little boat with his fishing rod just before the sun rose. Gazing out upon the still lake, Wyatt would patiently wait for the familiar tug of a caught fish. But on a peculiar day where Wyatt's normal grace was marred by a fit of clumsiness, he toppled overboard. Instead of sinking under the murky waters, he landed with a smack upon a slimy fish. The fish took him for a jolly adventure into a little seen part of the fishing lake. Wyatt never viewed fishing the same again.


The Seal was Delighted when the Miniture Mermaid Wanted to be his Friend


Wilfred and His Lobster Patiently Await the Arrival of the Ships