Eugenia Teaches Her Pet Clouds to Rain Upon Whomever She Most Feels Like Irritating

Eugenia spent many tedious hours training her three pet clouds. Clouds are stubborn and easily distracted, which are just two of the qualities that make them difficult to train. Through all the frustration and slow progress, Eugenia dreamed of the accomplishment of her training. Eugenia was spiteful and had many an enemy or sour acquaintance she wished to part some vengeance upon. But when it came down to it, she was only so spiteful. She did not want any true harm to come to any enemies, only irritation and inconvenience. Rain was the perfect way to accomplish this.
Now that Eugenia has succeed with the training, she floats around the sky searching for any one who has crossed her. Among her victims are an old childhood foe, a child who aimed a sling shot at her head, and a man who took her parking spot. What Eugenia doesn't realize, is that some people enjoy a good rain storm.


Sylvie Sees the World in Three Colors


Oliver and Theadora Holiday at the Seashore in an Attempt to Get Back to Their Roots