Iris is Dissapointed that her House with Wings never takes her on any Flights through the Air

When Iris moved into her new Moth House, she imagined she would be spending much time in her new house fluttering though the air. She has been in an airplane once and found it to be one of the most thrilling experiences of her entire life! She thought that living in a moth house would be rather similar to living in a plane in constant flight. She imagined her self on her couch with a steamy mug of tea. Instead of watching TV programs, she would peer out her windows and watch the world of the land shrinking below her. Instead, her moth house is just as rooted to the ground as her last place of residence. She will not stand for this! She must come up with a plan that will release her moth house.


The Sun Adopts a New Hobby of Amauetur Theater Director of the Raindrop Players


After an Exciting yet Turbulant Youth, Frances has Finally Found Peace Living in her Shell House by the Shore