The Sun Adopts a New Hobby of Amauetur Theater Director of the Raindrop Players

The sun has always been a very serious individual. He sticks to his responsibilities without wavering into more lighthearted affairs. After four and a half billion years of strictly attending to his various responsibilities, the sun is exhausted. After all, there is quite a bit of pressure involved with being an entire solar systems sun. Earth, his most needy planet, depends on him to regulate the climate and weather patterns. Almost all of the life forms on earth depend on him to survive because of his assistance with photosynthesis. And the sun has received plenty of complaints regarding people sinking into depressive states when he is gone for to long. All of the pressure is making him tense and too tightly wound. He needs a hobby to take his mind of rigor of his responsibilities. What better hobby than theater director! The sun has bossy streak and a penchant for perfection. Two qualities that can often be irksome in everyday dealings but work perfect in the production of a successful play. His actors, the raindrop players, are a bit nervous about evaporation, but even the best actors get jitters on stage. The sun has high hopes for his theaters success!


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