Birthdays and BBQ's.

My friend Lucas had a birthday BBQ. Sometimes I wish I was born in Summer so I could have a birthday full of swimming and BBQs. But when it comes down to it, Fall is my favorite season and I quite enjoy having birthdays full of colorful leaves and cinnamon smelling gusts of wind.

(This dog really liked Stephanie. I was a bit jealous.)

(She was a very sweet dog.)

When I was at this BBQ, Stephanie told me that while she was at the lake earlier that day, she witnessed a blood thirsty crow swoop down and kidnap a poor duckling in order to consume the little bird. This has been my summer of 'encounters with crows eating strange things.' First, I saw a crow attack an innocent song bird in my yard. I tried to scare it off from the defenseless little creature, but I was too late. The bird was already dead. The crow flew away due to my hollering, but he returned later to consume his kill. Next, while walking home I heard the familiar flap of crows wings overhead. I looked up and saw a crow flying with what appeared to be a tail danging from his beak. When he landed on top a street lamp, I was able to inspect more thoroughly from my distance on the ground. He had captured a little mouse and was now proceeding to munch upon it. I actually got a picture of this occurrence and I will probably upload the picture on some later date. Then, just the other day, I saw a mother crow feeding her babies (who just looked like grown up crows with lighter colored feathers.) It looked as if she was feeding her babies a bright piece of red plastic, but maybe it was a rose petal. She would chew up the 'food' and spit it into her hungry babies open beaks. One of her babies was especially loud and that bird go the most. The other two birds docilely stood by while their greedy sibling got most of the food. It made me think of that old saying 'The squeaky wheel gets the oil.'
 I have a friend who views crows as his animal nemesis. He has better reason than most. Crows seem to always dive bomb him. But after witnessing the aggressive nature of crows, I have a greater understanding of his perspective. Despite this, I think crows are a very fascinating bird! I saw an episode of 'Nature' that was all about crows. The narrator referred to the crow as 'The Feathered Ape' due to their high intelligence. They are indeed smart! They have their own language, they can recognize human faces and they can count up to four.

Summer Evenings are Full of Lights and Shadows


Take, meee out, to the, ballll game!