Take, meee out, to the, ballll game!

I went to my first ever baseball game recently. I'm not much of a sports fan and most of my knowledge comes from the old song 'Take Me Out To the Ball Game.' Based on this song, I knew I wanted peanuts and cracker jacks to go along with my baseball game. Those were two goals that were easily accomplished! My favorite player to watch was Ichiro. He's so graceful. He moves like a dancer. Although, I have not developed an overwhelming love for the sport, it was a good time. I felt like I was really embracing the summer season. (Even if the dreary Seattle summer weather isn't embracing me.)

Remember in the 1990's there were all these baseball movies that came out, especially for kids? The nineties were the golden age for baseball movies. My favorite was 'The Sandlot.' It made me wish I had a crew of mischievous baseball loving friends who were always up to summer time hijinks. What was it about the 1990's that made baseball movies so prevalent? Here are my theories:
* In the 90's, people who were children in the fifties were now on the brink of old age. Any semblance of childhood had vanished years ago. The fifties were also a time often connected with the sport of baseball. So in the nineties, the baseball movies popularity was partially connected to the nostalgic indulgence of people in their fifties and sixties.
*In the nineties, things were good for America! Well, at least in comparison to other decades. The economy was soaring, technological advances were zooming us toward a new way of life, living standards were high, and international affairs were relatively stable. All the good times were making the American populous swell with pride. And baseball, of course, is thought of as a very all-American sport. You might even say as American as apple pie. The love for baseball was just a spill over from a general love for everything that represented America.
When I talked to D about this, he said that baseball movies and baseball in general have always popular. But then in the nineties there was a baseball strike that made people loose interest in baseball. So rather than an increased interest in the nineties, there has been a decrease in interest in the proceeding years.

Birthdays and BBQ's.


Delphine Ushers the Penguins Through the Forest