Delphine Ushers the Penguins Through the Forest

The penguins have spent their entire lives in the arctic. They don't even really understand what the concept of 'hot' means. The color green is foreign to them. Actually, most colors are foreign to them except bleary white and it's shades of gray, and sometimes the blue of sky. A trio of especially curious penguins decided it was time to explore the world! They want to visit all the different habitats of earth: the desert, the sea, the grasslands, and whatever other strange worlds exist in the unknown that lays past the arctic tundra. The first habitat the penguins decide to visit is the forest. Unfortunately, their sense of direction and keen intuition is less refined than they thought. They wander merrily through the trees but soon discover they are lost! It is lucky they run in to Delphine. Delphine has lived in the forest all her life, but has never seen a penguin. In all her life, she has never even heard of a penguins and has little familiarity with the arctic. She suggests that next time they find themselves lost they should fly past the tree line and look down to see which direction they should go. The penguins give her a menacing look. Delphine wanders what it is she has said to offend them.


Take, meee out, to the, ballll game!

