The Hawthorne Sisters Endeavor to Grow Their Own Forest

   The Hawthorne sisters grew up like wood nymphs among trees. Instead of a pet dog, they ran free with the forest foxes. They spent their days climbing the trees and exploring the woods. For lunch they ate the berries growing in the bushes. In the summer they splashed in the refreshing waters of the river. Every night they returned  to their parents and their small cottage nestled in the woods. The two sisters came home with moss and leaves tangled in their hair and clinging to their clothing. At night, they would sneak out of their bedrooms and sleep in the woods, watching the stars shining in between the branches.
  The Hawthorne family had always heard rumors about the lumberjacks. They came to the forest with axes heaved over their muscled shoulders and chopped down every tree they passed. But it was always whispered more as a 'scary story' rather than the truth. But one night the lumberjacks came like a pack of termites. The Hawthornes woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of axes against wood. The Hawthornes tried to rescue their forest, but it was turned into a baron landscape in a matter of hours.
  The Hawthorne sisters would not let the brutality of their forests demise deter them. They set out immediately to grown another forest. It could not take the place of their old and beloved forest, but it was a start.


The Rain Monster Follows Lucy Home


Kathleen and Lousia Read while Perched Upon Two Squids