Odette and Penelope Find a Bat With Floral Breath

 Odette and Penelope live in a place where bats are much despised. They are often referred to as 'disease carrying vermin' or 'the foulest of winged creatures.' Women who consider themselves dainty and refined make a point of visibly shuttering when bats flutter near by. But Odette and Penelope have always found bats to be beautiful creatures. They watch with wonder when the bats appear at twilight, zipping merrily through the deep blue or pink sky. When they discovered the bat with floral breath, they thought maybe they would be able to convince everyone else that bats were not so wretched after all. Instead, people looked at them as if they are strange and maybe even as suspect as the bats. At first, both women resented the judgement thrust upon them. But soon they realized that there is something liberating in being looked at as strange. Birds, because their ability to fly, are often viewed as symbols of freedom. But to Odette and Penelope, bat's with both their wings and their strangeness make even better symbols of freedom.

Lenora Knows If She Waits Long Enough, The Flower Man Will Come Her Way


Helen Attempts to Hitch a Ride with a Pack of Wandering Monsters