
I went to the Edmonds marsh recently to admire the scenery and the wildlife. Mostly the wildlife are birds. It felt slightly eerie at this marsh but I can't quite put my finger on why. Maybe because it was so quiet. While walking along the marsh, I met a bird enthusiast with a huge camera. He told me excitedly about a eagle's nest he had spotted on a previous bird search outing. With a giddy hop to his step, he walked the opposite direction in search of more amazing birds to photograph.

An uninviting playground next to the marsh.

I love red-wing black birds! They are very beautiful.

Here I am with David.

Weird structure by the marsh.

An abandoned hot tub.

   The other day I was in the Greenwood neighborhood for a friends BBQ and there happened to be a car show going on the main street. I only walked in that area when the car show was over, but one really amazing car remained behind. It was a car the shape of a roller skate! I was kicking myself that I didn't have a camera with me. It was blue and it basically looked like a real life roller skate except for very large. The car show also attracted many drunk people, and I saw a drunken altercation. One man, stumbling and slurring said "Why don't you call the police then." He said it in a coy, mocking tone. Whoever he was talking to was out of eyesight, but a couple of moments later an older man walked into view. He was on his phone following the drunk man several paces behind. He said to his telephone "Yes, he told me he was going to kill me! Yes, he is heading north."  The drunk man disappeared into the crowd and my friends and I walked across the street in the other direction.

Olivia and Bethany Enjoy Days Filled With Tea, Books and Animals.


Salt Water and Evergreen Kingdom