Wildflowers and Shooting Stars

(actually, I over packed a bit especially since the camping trip was only a day.) 
  This summer I went camping with my pals on beautiful Mount Rainier. I took so many pictures so I am going to share them over a couple of posts instead of all at once. These first ones are of the mountain top where we took a short hike.

Smiley Face in the Snow

   I felt very lucky to see all the wildflowers. They were spectacular! Besides the hike, my camping friends and I also made the traditional and much loved campfire at night. For dinner we cooked hot dogs (or tofu dogs in my case) on a stick. We also made s'mores. Marshmallow preferences were discussed by all. I like mine slightly burnt and crispy on the outside and gooey on the inside. How about you? When I was little my family and I would tell ghosts stories around our campfires. I suggested this to the group, but the suggestion went no where.
  After the campfire fun, we watched a meteor shower! The sky from a mountain top is amazing even on a non-meteor shower day. I cannot even remember the last time I saw so many stars! But watching shooting stars zip across the sky made the view even more beautiful and awe-inspiring. My camping trip to Mount Rainier made me want to run away from the city and move back to the country.


From the Window, Part Three


With Her Back Crooked, The Contortionist Can Carry the Village