With Her Back Crooked, The Contortionist Can Carry the Village

   Here is an illustration I did for Illustration Friday. The week's theme is 'crooked.'

  The contortionist trained for years to refine her bodies ability to bend. She was always naturally flexible and learned how to do back bends before she could walk. Now she can twist her body into strange, crooked shapes that astound every normal bodied human. She can bend so she will fit into the tiniest of spots. One day after a performance with her circus troupe, she met a raccoon who insisted he needed her services. He lives deep in the forest, on top of a forest fire scorched hill. The forest that the raccoon lives in is inhabited by tiny people, no taller than a redwoods needle. They all live in tiny villages built upon the forest floor. The villagers love the forest except for the fact that they do not get enough natural light. The tiny forest villagers are morose and lethargic from their lack of sunlight. The raccoon loves the villagers and his forest. He wants to help the villages get more light. He has devised a plan where he will bring a new village to the top of the hill everyday. For the entire day, the villagers will enjoy the sunlight. Once the sun sets, the raccoon will bring the village back to the forest  until it is that villages turn again. The only problem is that the raccoon's back is just not long enough. But with the length of the contortionists legs, he thinks he will be more successful in his sunshine mission. The contortionist  a free spirit who likes adventures and odd experiences decides she will give it a shot. After all, she would love to see the tiny people. On top of the hill, the raccoon is able to give pleasure to the forest villagers he cares for so much and the contortionist is able to practice and stay in shape while the circus is on it's off season/ 

Wildflowers and Shooting Stars


Science and Speculation