Autumn Balloons

   There is a large tree in my yard that is shedding it's gigantic leaves all over the driveway. When I walked outside recently after an especially windy night, the entire ground was covered with yellow leaves. It was an Autumn wonderland! I had this fleeting feeling that mimicked the feeling I get when I walk outside after a snow storm happened in the middle of night. The world feels transformed. Right now there is a huge pile in my front yard that I jumped in earlier. I took some pictures of the leaves along with balloons. I thought the Fall colored balloons would look good with the Fall colored leaves.

  Some of my artwork was recently featured on etsy's blog. They are my leaf people and they were on the 'short story' section of the blog. Click here to check it out. It was very exciting to get featured! Also, Mohala very kindly nominated me for a sunshine award. This is an award that bloggers give each other and then answer questions about themselves. I don't know when I will answer the questions but it was nice that Mohala thought of me.  I like reading her blog too, to see what sort of interesting and creative projects she has been up to. 

In the Room, The Bird Family Grows Flowers That are Never Silent.


How To: Make A Collage Shirt