In the Room, The Bird Family Grows Flowers That are Never Silent.

     The bird family abhors silence more than anything else in this world. What they love is beautiful sounds... the sounds of singing and of rain falling on rooftops and of chimes blowing in the wind. Every member of the bird family has a beautiful voice and often uses their voice to chirp and sing songs. While they read, they chirp. While they walk, they chirp. In between bites of dinner, they chirp. But sometimes their voices become tired and their throats ache. They can not always sing no matter how much they long too. But one day while at the street market, they found a most interesting piano. It looked ordinary, but when they played upon it, the most glorious sounds floated from the instrument. They brought the piano home and began making songs upon it every night. Soon, fresh green sprouts began to grow from the piano. The sprouts bloomed into lovely flowers. When the petal unfurled from its bud, the most extraordinary thing happened  Beautiful songs escaped from the flower. With each new bloom, a new note in the flowers melody emerges. The bird family loves to lounge in the piano room while listening to the piano flowers. Sometimes they sing along and sometimes they just enjoy listening. They bring their pet caterpillars to listen too, and the stoic caterpillars listen with just as much awe and reverence as their bird people companions. 

Bedroom Volcanos


Autumn Balloons