So Many Books, So Little Time

(Fake owl with and intense and disarming stare, the old gas refinery on a blisteringly blue day, aquatic plants in the open air  pretend squirrel forever frozen in the act of climbing up the side of the house.)

   The other day when I walked out of the grocery store, I saw an old man with a bent back shuffling toward me. His face was speckled with age spots and his pale white hair gleamed in the morning sun. He was wearing a navy blue sweatshirt that said 'So Many Books, So Little Time.' I can definitely relate. It is sad to think of all the books we won't have time to read. I imagine this book-loving old man goes home after the grocery store, makes himself a cup of tea, opens all his curtains so he has plenty of light and delves into whatever book he is reading. He probably has shelves and shelves of books. When he finishes a book, he sighs with relief and thinks 'at least I had time to get to that one!'

( Foam heads in a bin, crab scuttling in an underwater world,  a beautifully drab street corner full of weeds and bleached sunlight, my cute cat Mue Mue looking a bit creepy as he yawns in a sunbeam.)

Susan Does Not Need Wool to Knit a Scarf Because She Is Happy To Use The Clouds As Her Yarn


Furry, Fuzzy, Feathered and Leafy Animals.