After Months of Traveling Through The Endless Woods, Walt and his Bear Cub Friend Finally Find the Fox House Sanctuary

  Here is an illustration I made for my Dad for Father's Day.

   Walt lives in a small and strange town whose legends work to entertain the townsfolk but also to stifle their freedom. On three sides, the town is surrounded by an endless forest, commonly known as 'The Forbidden Forest.' The townsfolk all believe the forest is cursed and full of angry ghosts. No one from the town dares to enter the forest. The only way the people ever leave the town is by the sea, which crashes against the frayed and sandy edges of the town's unforested side. But Walt's much beloved fiance, Alexandra, vanished at the sea, one stormy evening. She was on a voyage to visit her sister in a different village when the ship she was on disappeared into the murky waves. Afterward, the sound of the sea gave Walt nightmares. He could no longer stand living so close to the sea and he knew he must escape the town. So he ignored all the towns legends and entered the forest.
   Walt walked for days and days and days, the woods seemed to be endless. During one sunny day, he met a little bear with a body the size of a tiny cub but the face of an ancient and grizzled bear. They formed a silent friendship and continued exploring the woods together. In the woods, Walt did meet ghosts just as the towns people predicted. But they aren't angry. They hardly notice Walt and flutter past him like half-forgotten memories. His heart still aches for his beloved Alexandra, but as he walks in the woods he finds solace and comfort in the beauty of the landscape. But after months of walking, Walt and his bear cub are tired. They need to rest, and they need to find some place to call home, even if only for a little bit.
  Then, while walking through a clearing in the woods, they find it! The Fox House Sanctuary. They saw a  light glistening from afar and their curiosity compelled them to investigate. When they stood in front of the fox sanctuary, they felt warm and safe under the fox's eye glow. It was under that eye glow that Walt finally felt at peace.
  Walt is not the first weary traveler to come across the fox house sanctuary. For eons, the fox house sanctuary has made itself known to tired and discontent travelers in need of comfort and safety. The fox house sanctuary changes based on the person who discovers it. It becomes whatever it needs to be in order to provide comfort for the person who discovered it. Walt and the bear will spend several months at the sanctuary before they decide that they need to continue their travels. But once they do continue, they will walk with an extra skip in their step. 

Blue Skies and Red Spots


Graffiti Castles