Beat's, Bohos and Befriending the Dogs of Seattle.

  On Wednesday, I took down my art show from Beat's and Bohos. Here is a picture of David and me at the event.

  It was very exciting to have my art on display, especially at such a cool shop! Any one in Seattle should definitely visit Beats and Bohos.
   There is this one Twilight Zone episode (actually, I think it is the last one ever) where these two little kids escape the harsh reality of their own life by jumping into their swimming pool which is actually portal into a wonderful world that is cheerful, kind and beautiful. The other end of the portal is a pond in the alternate universe. The kids get to leave behind their angry parents and oppressive life and are instead embraced by an idyllic world of daydreams. This is what going to Beat's and Bohos feels like. In this (admittedly odd) metaphor, the harsh parents are the gray Winter of Seattle, and Beat's and Bohos is the alternative universe. Wandering around Seattle in the Winter, it has been cold and icy and gray. But opening the door to Beat's and Bohos and you are immediately greeted by a place that is warm and cozy, colorful and cheerful. The sound of city traffic is replaced by the sound of good music! Because they sell records, there is always good music being played on the record player. It is also fun to wander the shop looking at the vintage clothes and other treasures.
  Now that I have finished with the Twilight Zone comparison, I realize the old Wizard of Oz movie would have been better. The Winter in Seattle is the gray Kansas and Beats and Bohos is colorful and lively Oz. If you live outside of Seattle, you can still visit their etsy shop.

  After I took down my art, I was walking to my car with a stack of pictures when I came upon a very cute dog tied to a post, waiting for her person. She was a beautiful golden retriever with dark red hair and an especially big head. She had eyes that were deep brown with tinges of red. I could not resist, I had to cuddle that dog! I knelt down and petted her adorable, big head. We had a bonding moment, for sure!
 I dropped off the pictures in my car and then went to the grocery store next to where my dog friend was hanging out. After getting a hand full of things at the grocery store, I walked back toward my car and noticed that my dog friend was just a bit in front of me, walking away with her person. The dog looked over her shoulder and saw me. She suddenly got very excited and started wiggling around, wagging her tail and then bounding toward me with much excitement.  Just as I thought of this dog as my 'dog friend' the dog obviously thought of me as her 'person friend.' I was quite endeared by this dog's excited reaction to seeing me! Boy, do I want a dog! The dog's person seemed a bit surprised, but went with it and let the dog come over to me so I could pet her again.
  One of the things I got at the grocery store was a pack of cookies, which I was holding in my hands. One can never have too many cookies! At least according to me, not nutritionists, doctors, or anyone who has expertise in good health. The dog's person said "She saw your cookies and thought 'Cookies! Cookies!'" But, I knew the truth. What really happened was she saw me and thought 'Friend! Friend!'

Unsuperbowl and Ghosts

