
  I know most everyone else in the country is getting tired of the snow, but yesterday in Seattle it snowed!!!! This is very exciting for us Seattlites as it does not snow very often. Yesterday was only the second day of snow we have had this Winter and the first day was a pretty measly amount of snow. I took some pictures and frolicked joyfully in the snow before hunkering inside where I enjoyed the warmth of my house while watching movies.

Snow! Hooray! 

It looks like rain falling, but it is snow! 

Mini-Snow Person

   While avoiding the cold, I've been watching a lot of the TV show "Call the Midwife!' (exclamation point added by me because I think the title needs one in order to accurately convey the urgency of needing a midwife.) One thing I have noticed about this show and many other British shows is the houses have awesome wallpaper! Is it common for houses in Britain to have beautiful wallpaper or is this just something British set designers use? Out off all the houses I have lived in (that I remember), they all had white walls. Except for one apartment that had a ceiling that was painted pale blue with fluffy white clouds to resemble the sky. I loved that ceiling! But I would also love to live in a house that had beautiful wallpaper. Maybe now that Americans have such easy access to British shows, interior designers will be inspired to add wallpaper to more American homes. 

Beat's, Bohos and Befriending the Dogs of Seattle.


The Trek Up Mount Constitution