The Fairchild Sisters Dance in the Woods, Much to Mouse Mother's Indignation

Here is an illustration I recently finished. I used acrylic, tea and gouache.

  The Fairchild sisters live in a log cabin in the woods. They spend their days doing hard work- chopping wood, tending to their garden, and taking care of their animals. Being a woods person is not an easy life. But it is the life the Fairchild sisters love. Their favorite part of the day, though, is when the hard work is over. Every day around sunset, the Fairchild sisters descend into the woods to dance. Dancing wildly and merrily is their favorite way to decompress. They dance to the beat of the woodpeckers beak and the melody of the blue birds in the trees. They sway like the windblown branches. They embrace the joy of wild abandonment.
   The mouse mother, however, is not impressed. She finds these three dancing fools absurd! Her children cannot sleep with the frantic pitter-patter of human feet tapping on their roof. She wished her children sweet dreams, and the next thing she knows, they are subjected to the ridiculous booms and bangs of clumsy humans jostling above them. The mouse mother considered writing the sisters an angry letter, laying out in great detail how their inconsiderate dancing distresses her children. But just as she brought out her pen, there was another huge thump upon her roof. "That's it!" The mouse mother hollered, "It is time to bring out the broom!"


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