The Rain Monster Descends from the Seattle Sky

  I love handwritten letters! Emails are nice, but there is something extra exciting about opening a real mail box to find a beautiful letter waiting there for me to read. Just as fun as receiving letters is writing letters. It feels more special to hand write one's thoughts to a certain person.
   Recently, I got an especially amazing and exciting package in the mail from my pen pal, friend, and (future) sister in law, Jessie. Jessie made me my very own set of Rain Monster greeting cards!!! She made them based on a character from my illustrations, the rain monster.  It was so exciting to open the package to discover my very own greeting cards. This is one of the most creative and thoughtful gifts anyone has given me.

   Jessie is amazing at block printing. She has a real eye for the medium and creates beautiful cards. I have received lots of lovely block print cards from Jessie. They are my favorites! Here are some of the Jessie-creations I have received in my mail box.


An Empty City


The Fairchild Sisters Dance in the Woods, Much to Mouse Mother's Indignation