Flourish, Little Seedlings! or; The Beginning of a Garden

My partner and I recently started a garden in our yard. We have grand plans to grown vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers. Right now, the garden is still in the beginning stages. The seeds have been sowed and they are starting to peek out from beneath the dirt with eager green leaves reaching toward the sky.

We have some seedlings growing inside. They are on a table in my art room right under the window. The little seedlings are growing up toward the sunshine. Soon we will be able to transplant them outside where they can really thrive and grow!

I am a fruit fanatic! More then sunshine, what I look forward to most about summer is all the fruit that is in season! Few things are more delicious than a fruit salad! I am growing some fruit this year, although many of these plants will not produce fruit till next year. I have blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and blackberries growing. YUM!


Blueberry plant

Raspberry Plant

Strawberry Plant

Blackberry Bush growing along fence

Another Raspberry Plant

We have beds out front. One of our beds have various vegetables growing including radish, beans, peas and carrots. We started these all by sowing seeds directly into the ground. The other bed has herbs growing which we got as starters and put them in the ground. 

Radish sprouts


We also have leafy greens growing any containers by our front door. This summer is going to be full of delicious salads!

I am very excited for the time to come when we can start harvesting and eating our garden delights! For now, watching them grow is a lot of fun. The radishes sprouted first and it was quite exciting to seem them burst toward the sun. 

Is it Still Scarf Season?


Oscar at the Arboretum