Is it Still Scarf Season?

Long before fidget spinners there was.....knitting! Knitting is a great past time for the finger drummer, foot tapper, and those generally inflicted with the need to squirm and fidget. Of course you can't bring knitting everywhere, but in front of the TV or even on the bus it is a nice outlet for excess kinetic energy. While I like the methodical click-click of my knitting needles as I knit a scarf, my enjoyment hasn't yet transitioned to skill. I still proudly sport my scarfs, but they definitely fit under the messy-chic category. But I've come a long way from my first scarf ever!

What I like best about my new scarf is the colors! Rust and gray. Orange trees against a cloudy sky. They are more Fall colors, but one can not rush the construction of a scarf in order to fit in with the season (yes, I am an incredibly slow knitter and started this scarf during Fall.)


Quarter-Life Poem: The Bat


Flourish, Little Seedlings! or; The Beginning of a Garden