Georgetown Part Five: Hat and Boots

When I was little, one of my favorite books was a version of 'Puss in Boots.' The book itself was interactive because it was a pop up book and on certain pages there were levers you could pull to make the pictures kinetic.

Well it would take a pretty big cat to fit into these boots!

I've been to Oxbow Park before, but the delight of the giant boots and hat does not get old! My friend Ces and I had fun taking pictures of the strange giant objects on our Georgetown photo trip day.

I like human's desire to make skewed versions of normal objects by altering their size. My grandmother was pretty much an expert at making doll houses, which is a small version of normal sized things. She made me a grand dollhouse where the lights actually turned on! I had asked for the toilets to flush also, but that was one request too far!

Making big versions of small things as tourist attractions is a commonly used ploy to rope in passing drivers. Where I use to live on the redwood coast, we had a tourist attraction of a giant Paul Bunyan and his Ox. It was called the 'Trees of Mystery.' I lived there before I obsessively took pictures, so sad to say I don't have any pictures from any of my visits. But I remember they would have someone inside the Paul Bunyan who used a speaker to talk to the passing tourists. It was pretty hokey and funny!

I've always thought of it as an 'American' thing to make giant objects as roadside attraction. But I learned Australia has it's own set of notorious giant objects! It is called 'Australia's Big Things' which is such a nice, simple and direct title. There are 150 big things that span across every state in Australia. Some of the big things include a giant mango, pineapple, guitar, gold panner and dinosaur!


Quarter-Life Poems: Maria and the Seal


Oscar and the Nightmare