Seagulls: Glorious Birds

 Today while on my lunch break out in the sun, an ivory white Seagull swooped over me and for a second looked like the most majestic of all birds ever to exist. I thought to myself, if a person had never seen a Seagull before and saw one for the very first time, they would be in aw!

They are really beautiful but have been misaligned I think partly because they scavenge around for garbage and partly because they squawk really loud. Personally, I admire any scavenger: Crows, raccoons, vultures. They are clever and resourceful. They are making use out of what others deemed as unworthy. Its an admirable quality. Its like those artists that make beautiful pieces of art out of garbage.

As far as the Seagulls squawk goes, I find that charming too. They may be birds, but they are mighty and their uproarious squawk proves this. I love the ocean so much that any sounds that remind me of the sea are beautiful to me: waves, fog horns, seagull calls, seal barks. It all reminds me of the most beautiful place on earth.

Usually when I have those moments where I am struck by the beauty of Seagulls, I think of one of my all time favorite movies: Harold and Maude. At one point, Maude says to Harold " Dreyfus once wrote from Devil's Island that he could see the most glorious birds. Many years later in Brittany he realized they had only been seagulls...for me, they will always be glorious birds."  Here, here Maude! I agree. To me, Seagulls will always be glorious birds too.  

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