Sharp Shooters Visit to Bremerton Pt. 3:The Festival!

The ferry ride to Bremerton was just as exciting as the actual experience of visiting Bremerton. But Bremerton itself is a pretty interesting place too.

There was a street festival going on in Bremerton which afforded many good people watching opportunities.

Here are some of the people I saw...

An older gentlemen enjoying the festive tunes of the brass band. You can tell just by the crook of his head and the straightness of his back that he is a kind-hearted gentlemen. He is the type to listen to everyone who speaks to him attentively and with a concentrated yet compassionate expression upon his face. He also is the type to listen with great love to music. He probably has loved music all his life and takes every opportunity possible to see live music. It reminds him of when he was young and he first met his wife in a small bar in Hawaii. They danced the night away to ukulele tunes and fell in love under the moonlight.

A cheerful scientist. There were several scientists wandering around this festival showing of the contraptions they invented or tinkered with. You can tell by this guys sweet, bashful grin that he is quite proud of the machine he created. As he should be! It's pretty cool. he probably started inventing machines as a young child, stowed away in his room while the rowdier boys roamed free in the neighborhoods. Sometimes his mothers voice would chime outside his closed bedroom door "Darling, it's a sunny day. Why don't you go play outside with the other boys?" But his heart was always completely committed to creating and not just creating the ordinary, creating extraordinary machines. So instead of playing outside, he learned about how things worked and he experimented. Now he has a garage full of contraptions and someday one of those contraptions will bring him fame and wealth. Will it be the machine that turns water to gold? Will it be the robot that can preform intense and precise operation procedures upon ailing human beings? Or maybe it will be one of his simpler machines, a machine that grabs a beer from the fridge? We'll find out....eventually!

Two confident gents and one befuddled one. These three men have probably been friends since childhood. They've become so close, in some ways they have become eachother. They walk the same, they dress the same, they like to go to the same festivals! However, one of them, Mr. Middle, is starting to wonder if this is the life he wants. Its nice to always have the support of your two best friends, but he's lost himself in their identity. His identity is their identity as a trio. Who is he really? He's never really had reason before to go through such deep existential ponderings, but something about Bremerton, the sea air, the sound of the seagulls, the feeling of a town both new and old, both crowded and empty, makes a person ponder. And now he is pondering his very existence.

 A woodworker and a very impressed but slightly concerned onlooker. The woodworker was glad to have a chance to show off his fine woodworking skills. It takes great talent, patience and precision to be a successful woodworker! Who wouldn't want to show off! Most onlookers are quite impressed. They 'ooh' and 'ahhh' and talk about how they wish they could do something like that.  One of the onlookers is indeed impressed, but she is also concerned! Working with such tools is dangerous work, and she once knew a young man who chopped his whole finger off during a woodworking project! She can no longer look at a person working with tools without thinking of the fingerless boy. But she worries about all the people in the world. She's got a kind heart, and just wants everyone to be okay. But the woodworker isn't a young boy, he is experienced and talented. He will make many things with wood without injuring himself. His reputation will continue to soar and his items will sell at great prices. He will become quite respected in the woodworking field. One day, when the woman is very old, one of her grandchildren will get her a birthday present. It will be a beautiful wooden box with mystical creatures carved upon it. She will never know it, but the very woodworker who she once worried about will be the artist behind the beautiful gift. When she holds the box in her hands, it will make her happy and she will treasure it forever.

I also saw this neat, miniature boat at the festival!


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